Flat Throwback iPhone Concepts (Highlight)

A flattened & highlighted version on some throwback iPhone concepts I made in this shot.

Flat Throwback iPhone Concepts

A flattened take on some throwback iPhone concepts I made in this shot.

Light Mimeo App Icons (Small)

These are the small & light version of the icons that are used throughout the Mimeo product builder applications.

Dark Mimeo App Icons (Small)

These are the small & dark version of the icons that are used throughout the Mimeo product builder applications.


Casino & Gaming Icons

A beautiful & meticulously-crafted collection of 24 vector icons related to casinos & gaming.

The entire set includes the following vector icons: scotch glass + cocktail napkin, matchbox, wallet, handbag, money case, money stack, single bills, coins + bills, money clip + folded bills, credit cards, player’s card, single playing cards, deck of playing cards (face up + face down), single die, poker chips, trophy, and casino chips ($1, $5, $25, $50, $100, and $500).

This collection is delivered as two fully-organized PSD files of vector assets, one for regular definition uses and one for retina specific uses.  The corresponding PNG preview files are also included.

Flat Blueprint Style Icons

This is a variation of my original set of flat miscellany icons. I thought with a few tweaks that these icons would make good blueprint/wireframing assets.


Flat Miscellany Icons

This collection of 24 icons was inspired from an educational project that I was working on. The modified flat style does not use any gradients nor is there more than one main drop-shadow (for the whole icon group).

The entire set includes the following vector icons: calendar, Mac & PC monitors, clock, image file, magnifying glass, map/brochure, stopwatch, crop tool, portfolio, badge/medal, lined paper on a clipboard, graph paper, lined paper pad, ledger/book, moleskin notebook, open book, pencil, colored pencil, highlighter, index cards, moon & clouds, and sun & clouds.

This collection is delivered as two fully-organized PSD files of vector assets, one for regular definition uses and one for retina specific uses.  The corresponding PNG preview files are also included.